Wendy's Books
My journey
Born in Norwich in 1946 I grew up in police houses around Suffolk. I married David in 1967 and I have only found my voice through fiction following his death in November 2011. Previously my writing was factual including The Survey of Suffolk Parish History which was researched and produced for Suffolk County Council. My career then moved into construction where, prior to retirement, I worked for NHBC as Senior Consultant CDM. I now give voluntary assistance to St. Nicholas Hospice, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, whose encouragement led to this new career creating words and characters which hopefully will enchant and delight my readers.
It is a wonderful gift to carry a story in your head and see it slowly emerge in black and white upon the page. I wasn't looking for this gift or expecting it. It came out of the blue. Ideas come into my head and drop onto the page. The stories may challenge the way we view the world, but take a look and let me know what you think.
For more in depth information that you may not know about me, see the article on www.femalefirst.co.uk/books/wendy-goult-chain-reaction-1056758.html.